Tuition is based on an academic year. Students must register each year. The total number of classes for each level and discipline during the year will vary depending on the calendar and on school vacation days. Ballet Arts Studio does not follow any particular school district calendar so please refer to our Studio Calendar and note days on which the studio is closed.
Ballet Arts Studio tuition is based on an approximate 39-week calendar year. The number of classes for each registered class during each quarter, and over the full year, will vary depending on the calendar and school vacation days. Students must re-register each year. The annual non-refundable registration fee is $25.00 per family.
Both the registration fee and tuition are due prior to the start of classes. For convenience only the annual tuition may be paid in four installments (listed below), about every eight or nine weeks. Cash, checks, and credit cards accepted. Using the installment plan does not mean that there will be eight or nine classes during each installment periord. There is a $15 fee for tuition more than ten days late. Students may not be permitted to enter a class unless tuition is paid. The Dutchess Dance Company, special events, and all performances are charged separately from tuition.
Tuition Installment Due Dates 2024 - 2035
September 8, 2024
November 11, 2024
January 20, 2025
March 31, 2025
One Dance Class
Yearly: $740.00 / Quarterly: $185.00
Two Dance Classes
Yearly: $1,404.00 / Quarterly: $351.00
Three Dance Classes
Yearly: $2,000.00 / Quarterly: $500.00
Four Dance Classes
Yearly: $2,528.00 / Quarterly: $632.00
Five Dance Classes
Yearly: $2,976.00 / Quarterly: $744.00
UNLIMITED Dance Classes
Yearly: $3,358.00 / Quarterly: $840.00
Private Classes & Coaching
$100 per hour
Single Class - Adults
Spring Concert Production Fee
$130.00 - Tickets are not included
Spring Concert Costume Fee
$85 LS II and older / $60 Prep & LS I
Nutcracker Production Fee
$250.00 - Tickets are not included
Nutcracker Costume Fee
Dutchess Dance Company
$825 yearly; $725 if dancer is on Unlimited Classes plan
Payments can be mailed to:
Ballet Arts Studio
107 Teller Ave, Beacon, New York 12508
An Installment Payment Plan of quarterly payments every eight or nine weeks is available for your convenience. Please remember that paying tuition in installments of every eight or nine weeks does not mean that there will be eight or nine classes at each class level during the installment period. Tuition is due on the first day of each installment period. Ballet Arts Studio does not mail installment payment notices so we ask parents to please mark the calendar. There is a $15.00 late fee for tuition received more than ten days after the due date.
Make-up classes may be available at the discretion of the Director and based upon the reason a class is missed and must be taken within the month that a class is missed. Make-up classes are generally not available for involvement with sports teams, school plays, personal vacations, family visits, or routine childhood illnesses. Please call or email the Studio if you would like to see if a make-up is available for a missed class.
Refunds including for tuition and Production fees, are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and are given at the discretion of the Director.
Tuition discounts of 10% are given beyond the first child registered in a family. The 10% discount will be given to the child taking fewer classes.
Production fees, master classes, private coaching, summer programs and special events are charged separately from class tuition payments.